American Buffalo, Philharmonic & Nugget Gold Coins, The Fisch now in 59 countries

Wallet #5 - In Demand by Fisch Users
It is now 5 months since the launch of: Wallet #5 - Gold American Buffalo (1oz) Vienna Philharmonic - Austria (1oz) Australian Nugget/Kangaroo (1oz)* *also Lunar 1996-2007 (3 Detectors)
With big sales of the American Buffalo, Austrian Philharmonic and the Kangaroo gold coins, it is not a surprise this Wallet is in demand. This makes all the hard work it took making the molds worthwhile. But with the cost of the molds, it will be some time before they are amortized.
The Fisch - Protecting investors and dealers in 59 countries around the world since 1980 Yesterday I added the 59th country to the list of countries where the Fisch is used. Luxembourg is country No 59. I started the list many, many years ago, of course, and stopped counting when I reached 40 countries.
Then a few years when I was searching through some papers I found the original list. I updated it and then started to add countries one by one. Now with this so many countries already on the list, adding a new one is a big kick!
Here is the list: Argentina Australia Austria Bahamas Belgium Bermuda Botswana Canada Cayman Islands Channel Islands Chile Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador Finland France Germany Great Britain Greece Guatemala Hong Kong Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kenya Kuwait Luxembourg Malaysia Malta Mexico Monaco Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Saudi Arabia Singapore Slovenia South Africa Spain Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Trinidad & Tobago United Arab Emirates Uruguay United States of America Zimbabwe