How to use the Fisch for Gold and Platinum


The information panel has the name of the coin the Fisch checks & gold or platinum content in troy ounces.

Thickness & Diameter

Reject a coin that does not pass through the slot.


Reject a coin that does not fit in the recess.


Reject a coin that does not tip the Fisch.

These 4 checks of weight, thickness, diameter & shape will detect all common metal gold &
platinum coin counterfeits.


How to use the Fisch for Silver


The information panel has the name of the coin the Fisch checks & silver content in troy ounces.

Thickness & Diameter

Reject a coin that does not pass through the GO/MAX slot.

Reject a coin that passes through the NO GO / MIN slot.

Weight / Shape

Reject a coin that does not fit into the recess.

Reject a coin that does not balance the Fisch.

These 3 checks will detect all fake silver coins that are the wrong
size, weight or shape.

How to use The Ringer

Put coin between the arms

Squeeze open the arms of the Ringer and put the center of the coin between the arms. The coin must be held flat between the arms. If it is tilted, it will not ring properly.

Ring the coin using your nail

Hold the Ringer tightly, squeezing the arms together to increase grip on the coin. Put the thumb of your other hand on the hammer platform. Press down, tilting your thumb so you nail is on the platform. Slide your nail forward until it slides off the platform, releasing the hammer to ring the coin.

Ring the coin using a pen

Press down on the Ringer on a table top, increasing the grip on the coin. Hold a pen as you would write. Put your pen on the lip below the hammer. Press down while sliding the pen forward until it slides off the lip, releasing the hammer to ring the coin.

Experiment with The Ringer to discover the technique or combination
of techniques that work best for you.